As Grey Ogre Games enters its 8th year of operation, the GOG team would like to thank all of you who've helped make the Magic happen, here at 83 Club Street. We're proud to be your go-to for Magic: the Gathering singles, product, and accessories, as well your event venue and play space of choice, for the past 7 years.
To that end, we're celebrating over the next two weeks, and offering a discount code, 'GOGANNI8' for 8% off all singles purchases above $10. This code is applicable both in-store and on our website, so you can join in the fun without climbing the stairs. You can shop with Singapore's largest online Magic: the Gathering singles inventory at:
The celebrations continue on Friday, the 7th of October, when we host three of Singapore's finest artists, whose work appear in the upcoming Warhammer 40K x MTG Commander release. Read more about that here:
Come by the store, or share in the comments, with your favorite memories of 7 years of gaming, gathering, and calling Grey Ogre Games home!