Grey Ogre Games Legacy League Rules & Regulations
1. Season Durations:
Grey Ogre Legacy League will be divided into 4 seasons with 3 invitations per season to the end-of-year Invitational.

2. Earning an Invite

Each season, the Top 3 players with the highest point totals at the end will be invited to the year-end Invitational.
Top 2 in points will receive 1 round bye to the respective Season's Open Tournament.
The Top in points will also receive a Seasonal Champion Frame in addition to the invite and 1 round bye.
Earning Points
Points are awarded based on each individual's performance in GOG's Weekly Legacy Night on Wednesday. Each win is worth 3 points, each draw 1 point, with no points awarded for a loss.
(Example 1: Player A with 2 wins and a draw would earn 7 points, Example 2: Player B with 1 win, 1 draw and 1 loss would earn 4 points)
Separately, each player will also earn 1 attendance point for each event they participate in over the course of the season.
An update to the standings will be published weekly and can be found here.
Points are reset at the end of each season.
3. Tiebreakers / Pass Down Policy for Invites
If there is a tie for points in the standings in determining the top 3 players of the season, the following tiebreakers will be used to determine the final rankings:
1. Number of 3-0 results
2. Amount of Participation Points
3. Number of 2-1 results
A player can only earn one invite to the Invitational. If a player already qualified for the Invitational then receives an invite from another source, the invite will pass down to the next qualified player from that season.
For example if Player A has already qualified for the Invitational as one of the top 3 players of season 1, if they then place in the top 3 again in season 2, the invitation will pass down to the 4th ranked player in season 2.
If a player qualfied for the Invitational is unable to attend the event and notifies Grey Ogre Games beforehand, the invitation will be extended to the next person
4. Structure of Events and Rules Enforcement Level
Weekly Events
3 x Rounds of Swiss (50 minute rounds)
Rules Enforcement Level: Regular
The 12 invited players will play 5 x Rounds of Swiss (50 minute rounds) before a cut to Top 4. The top 2 players after swiss rounds will proceed to the upper bracket playoff. Players positioned 3rd and 4th after swiss rounds will proceed to the lower bracket playoff.
EG; Player A,B,C and D are placed 1st-4th respectively after 5 Swiss rounds. Upper bracket: Player A vs Player B Lower bracket: Player C vs Player D The winner of the AB bracket will move to the finals. The winner of CD bracket will play the loser of AB bracket. In which the winner will move on to play the winner of the AB bracket in the finals.
Rules Enforcement Level: Competitive
0mins Game Loss "A player is not in their seat at the beginning of a round, or has not completed tasks assigned within the time allocated."
10mins Match Loss " A player not in their seat 10 minutes into the round will receive a Match Loss and will be dropped from the tournament unless they report to the Head Judge or Scorekeeper before the end of the round."